MISSION – Giving home to the homeless, feed and clothe the less privileged, counsel and encourage individuals to move to the next level in life. Blessing Home to Alleviate Poverty is a home and hope for the future
VISION - A world in which everyone attains a right to survival, shelter protection, development and participation.
We are people who are passionate about helping the less privilege in our communities. We therefore partner with various Governments, parastatals, agencies, corporate bodies and wealthy individuals to unlock financial resources. These resources are used by us to eradicate poverty in various ways. We provide shelters for abused women and children while offering training to develop their potentials and reintegrate them. We operate food banks to feed the hungry in various communities with focus on African - Canadian people. We will continually strive to eradicate poverty from the face of the earth.
Social Impact: This is generally helping mostly families that come from abusive relationships, have found themselves under the poverty line and are unable to make ends meet. Food and Shelter will be provided in addition to other services as the needs arise. This will specifically help families from the BIPOC with the needed food to help them focus on school or their chosen professions, jobs and job search process. Having good food and nutrition and safe place to stay is the necessary starting point to helping them be all God wants them to be and to impact the society positively.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
Directors: Uche Onyekwuru, Glory Otorie, Michael falade
Charitable REGISTRATION #: 71831 9270 RR0001
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